Featured Announcements
STATIONS OF THE CROSS – Harvest is excited to announce that we will be hosting Stations of the Cross on Good Friday, March 29th from 4:30-7:30 pm – COMPLETE WITH A STATIONS OF THE CROSS EXPERIENCE FOR KIDS! 🥳 This event is an outreach to the community and many hands make light work. To volunteer, please email frontoffice@weareharvest.com.
JOIN US FOR EASTER AT 10AM! We hope you can join us as we celebrate our RISEN SAVIOR! Bring the whole family for a time of celebration, easter egg hunt, prizes with refreshments and fellowship after service!
HCKIDS PRESENTS “WHAT DO YOU THINK…”! On Sunday, December 22nd during the 10AM service, HCKids will present a drama discussing the true meaning of Christmas. Mandatory dress rehearsal for this play will be from 9am-noon on Saturday, the 21st at Harvest Church.
JOIN US FOR CHRISTMAS EVE at 4PM! Bring the whole family for a special Christmas Eve service as we complete the Christmas advent season and live in the advent of the return of Christ. There will be worship, candle-lighting, kids’ story time, and a preaching of the Word.
Come enjoy FREE food and fun from 4-8pm on Saturday July 27th. There are over $10,000 in FREE giveaways including free scooters for every kid! Pre-register for giveaways by texting ‘summerfest’ to 307-242-8862. Food and games begin at 4 and then  live music and an encouraging message of hope to follow. You don’t want to miss out!
To volunteer text ‘volunteer’ to 307-242-8862.
WYOTECH SUNDAY! We want to celebrate WyoTech Students and Staff as they begin a new academic phase. So, at Harvest Church on Sunday, January 5th at 10AM. All WyoTech Students will be eligible to win a 58″ TV and are invited to stay for lunch! For more information or if you have any questions, please email frontoffice@weareharvest.com.
FREEDOM HAS A BIRTHDAY BOOTH! Harvest Church is hosting a booth at Freedom Has a Birthday on July 4th from 10am-4pm at Washington Park! If you can help set-up, tear-down, or cut and serve watermelon, let us know because we could use your help! Otherwise, make sure to stop by and say hello! To volunteer, please email frontoffice@weareharvest.com.
JUBILEE DAYS PARADE! Harvest Church has a float registered for the Jubilee Days Parade on Saturday, July 13th! We are using this time to promote our SUMMERFEST and VBS! If you can help us by handing out flyers and otter pops as we parade through Laramie, let us know! To volunteer, please email frontoffice@weareharvest.com.
PREPPING PRIME TIMERS WITH PURPOSE! Are you over 50? …or getting there? Then we have a special event you don’t want to miss. We believe you are just getting into your PRIME TIME and invite you to join us at Harvest Church on Saturday, April 20th from 9am – 3pm for a special conference! We have some amazing guest speakers and are excited to showcase some very purposeful PRIME TIMERS. Tickets are $10 each and lunch will be provided. Please purchase tickets before or after Sunday services or email frontoffice@weareharvest.com.
Harvest Men’s Breakfast – Harvest Church will be hosting a Men’s breakfast on Saturday, November 2nd at 9am. For more information or if you have additional questions please email frontoffice@weareharvest.com
THANKSGIVING DINNER – Join us at Harvest Church on Sunday, November 17th at 5pm for THANKSGIVING DINNER. RSVP is requested and many dishes are requested. Please sign-up after service on Sunday in the lobby or email frontoffice@weareharvest.com.
HARVEST CHURCH will have WATER BAPTISMS on Sunday, September 29th during our 10am worship gathering. If you have not been baptized in water and you would like to take that step click here to sign up or email frontoffice@weareharvest.com.
REGISTER FOR VBS 2024! HCKids is excited to announce FAITH LAB as our theme for VBS 2024. Dates and times are August 5-9 from 9am – noon and for ages pre-k* through 5th grade. *Pre-k participants must be potty-trained and able to toilet independently. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER TODAY or visit weareharvest.com/vbs.
COMMUNITY NIGHT OF WORSHIP –Â Harvest Church is hosting the Fall 2024 Community Night of Worship! Come worship with the Laramie Community of believers on Sunday, Sep. 29th, 6PM at Harvest Church!
Men’s Advance 2023 is August 25th-27th and tickets are available at the early-bird rate of $80 through July 23rd. After that ticket prices go up to $100 until August 20th and then to $110 until the time of the event. Registration is now OPEN! CLICK HERE TO REGISTER!
SRING BREAK SCHEDULE!! The following ministries are on Spring Break beginning March 9th and will resume again the week of March 17th!
- NO WOMEN OF THE WORD – Monday, March 11th
- NO DEFINING HOUR – Sunday, March 10th
If you have any questions in the meantime please email frontoffice@weareharvest.com.
WINTER BREAK – Harvest Church’s small group studies and meetings are on a break until after the holidays and will resume again the week of 1/5/2025.
Please email any additional questions to frontoffice@weareharvest.com.
WEDNESDAY EVENING SERVICESÂ resume at 6:30pm this week on Wednesday, September 4th!
For more information please email frontoffice@weareharvest.com
SUMMER 2024!! Defining Hour is on Summer Break from Memorial Day to Labor Day and will resume again in the Fall. In the meantime stop in for coffee and conversation on Sunday mornings at 9AM!
WOMEN OF THE WORD & MEN’S BIBLE STUDY are on Summer Break until after Labor Day. See you all in the fall!
DEFINING HOUR is meeting Sunday mornings at 9:00am in the conference room. For more information or to get connected with the ministry email frontoffice@weareharvest.com
WOMEN OF THE WORD – WOW meets Monday evenings from 6 – 7:30pm. For more information and to get connected with the ministry email frontoffice@weareharvest.com
LIT – our Men’s Ministry meets at Harvest Church on Tuesday evenings at 6:30. For more information and to get connected with the ministry email frontoffice@weareharvest.com
Amazing Grays is a monthly carry-in lunch hosted by those who are at an age that is prone to gray hair… This meal happens right after service – typically on the last Sunday of each month. Please email frontoffice@weareharvest.com with any questions.
HARVEST ESPANOL is a spanish service led by Pastors Leo and Meri Ruiz that meets every Saturday at 3pm at Harvest Church.  For more information please email frontoffice@weareharvest.com
HARVEST ESPANOL es un servicio en español dirigido por los pastores Leo y Meri Ruiz que se reúne todos los sábados a las 3pm en Harvest Church. Para obtener más información, envÃe un correo electrónico a merilruiz@hotmail.com
PRIMER TIMERS –Â (~ age 55+) will be meeting at Harvest Church on Monday, December 23rd, at 5:45pm to go out as a group to look at Christmas lights around Laramie. For more information or to get connected with this ministry, please email frontoffice@weareharvest.com.
Oil of Joy will be is resuming as of March 18th and at a new time! To get the details or to ask any questions about grief counseling, please email frontoffice@weareharvest.com.
HARVEST GEAR is now available on demand!
We are looking for YOU!
Harvest Church is looking for volunteers in some key positions!
Email frontoffice@weareharvest.com if you have the ability to serve in the area(s) of sound, media, praise and worship or children’s ministry!
Recurring Announcements
HCKids is our children’s ministry at Harvest Church that occurs during the 10AM weekly Church Service. Upon checking in, children will be join their parents for corporate, family worship and will be dismissed before the preaching portion of service.
HARVEST ESPANOL is a spanish service led by Pastors Leo and Meri Ruiz that meets every Saturday at 3pm at Harvest Church.  For more information please email frontoffice@weareharvest.com
HARVEST ESPANOL es un servicio en español dirigido por los pastores Leo y Meri Ruiz que se reúne todos los sábados a las 3pm en Harvest Church. Para obtener más información, envÃe un correo electrónico a merilruiz@hotmail.com
Defining Hour is a traditional adult Sunday school class that meets prior to the 10AM Sunday Worship Service. Visitors are always welcome and classes meet in the Conference Room in the admin hallway at 8:30 AM. For additional information please email frontoffice@weareharvest.com.
** RESUMING 1/5/2025